Free Bible Treasure Hunt puzzles for church newsletters

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Bible Treasure Hunt: Solve the clue to discover the treasure, a Bible person, place, or thing. Solution on last page.
The year the famine came to town,
His cousin moved away.
But he had lands and servants, so
He chose instead to stay.
Solution to Bible Treasure Hunt:
Boaz - Elimelech moved to Moab because of a famine (Ruth 1:1) while, Boaz, his relative (2:1), apparently remained.
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Bible Treasure Hunt: Solve the clue to discover the treasure, a Bible person, place, or thing. Solution on last page.
The patriarchs, from Abraham
To Jacob lived nearby.
And all are buried here as well,
When their time came to die.
Solution to Bible Treasure Hunt:
Hebron - Genesis 35:27; 49:29-50:14
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Bible Treasure Hunt: Solve the clue to discover the treasure, a Bible person, place, or thing. Solution on last page.
The days of Ehud long were past,
And Gideon still to come,
When she was judging Israel
Beneath a mountain palm.
Solution to Bible Treasure Hunt:
Deborah - Judges 4:4-5
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Bible Treasure Hunt: Solve the clue to discover the treasure, a Bible person, place, or thing. Solution on last page.
A crippled man in Lystra
Saw his feet regain their use.
But rather than exalt the Lord,
They worshiped him as Zeus.
Solution to Bible Treasure Hunt:
Barnabas - Acts 14:12
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